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+1 vote
in Plugins by
i downloaded ckEditor, but it doesn't seem to be a Q2A pluging.

users are talking about ckEditor here, but no one talks about how to use it as a plugin?!!

is there anyone who knows how to use it? how to change it to plugin it Q2A?
Q2A version: 1.6.1

2 Answers

+3 votes
The CK Editor plugin is already bundled with Q2A Core. Just make sure you have "wysiwyg-editor in qa-plugin direcotry

Than go to Admin > Posting  and from Default editor for questions option select WYSIWYG Editor and done
0 votes

Really? but I thaught It was something else, because I took a look at ckeditor site. it was beautiful and actually I need it to have code block exactly like markdown editor which supports Syntax highlighting

can ckeditor support that?
