Okay, just noticed that this post was from 2013 and since it's now 2016, it may not get seen or be relevant to others now. However, I am currently experiencing the same 'looping' issue. I'm on a Mac and getting the loop on Chrome and Firefox. Cleared cache/cookies/closed browsers/etc.... Nothing helped. I figured that something happened when I deactivated and then tried to log back in a couple of days later since I needed a pic from the page. Hubby tried logging in on his mac as well - still couldn't get through on my account and almost couldn't get it to end in order to log back in as himself. Any suggestions would be great. I'll have access to a Dell in a few days and will test it there, but I don't think it's going to be a mac issue but instead a fb issue. Oh yeah..... can't ask fb for help because you have to be logged in....which I am for about 5 seconds before getting kicked back out and off again over and over.