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in Plugins by

I want to know if there is any plugin for Google Plus Authorship. I want to give a facility to the users who have provided most best answers in which they can add  <a href="[profile_url]?rel=author">Google</a>.

Q2A version: 1.5.3

1 Answer

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Google Plus authorship are only meant for blogs and for journalists. Google will never accept the Authorship for any forums or q&a sites.


Google authorship will detect the article posted by a particular person

Now, guess, if A & B has Google Authorship and both users answers on a post, then who get the authorship?

If you hack the code and add Google Authorship, then only the asker will get the authorship (If missed by Google) and the real answer provider will be ignored.

Hence, it is not worth the Idea for a Q&A site.