I solved this finally :)
You open qa-question.js and find line 92:
e is the on-the-fly-created div that will hold the ajax returned answer html block.
lines.slice(3) is lines[3] that is the ajax returned HTML block!
lines[0] stands for successful ajax return (1 is success)
lines[1] says if the answer button should be hidden
lines[2] is count of answers to be set in HTML
lines[3] is FULL HTML block
Now I am including my custom function:
e.innerHTML = myconverterFunction( lines.slice(3).join("\n") );
Note: The lines.slice(3).join("\n") contains ALL html elements to create the answer block, beginning from:
<div class="qa-a-list-item hentry answer" id="a123">
<form method="POST" action="../555/test">
</div> <!-- END qa-a-list-item -->