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in Q2A Core by
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When doing some testing to find out about the still-persisting-q2a-header-error I had to change qa-theme-base.php, line 106
  from: echo str_repeat("\t", max(0, $this->indent)).$html."\n";
  to: echo $html;
The effect: HTML code does not get indented anymore. Example:


Becomes: <p>test</p> <p>indent</p>

Doing so I discoverd that q2a core has not correct javascript syntax as CKEditor did not load anymore! After "disabling" the indent, Javascript could not be executed/parsed properly. Mostly because statements were not terminated by a semi-colon.

The following changes of 7 files are necessary to have correct JS syntax - I ask gidgreen to implement these corrections in v1.5.5 or v1.6:

1. qa-page-question-view.php

about line 850:
    $onloads[]='document.getElementById('.qa_js($formid).').qa_show=function() { '.$captchaloadscript.' };';  // added missing ; in the end

  line 855:
  $onloads[]='document.getElementById('.qa_js($formid).').qa_load=function() { '.$editor->load_script('a_content').' };'; // added missing ; in the end

  line 872:
  $onloads[]='document.getElementById('.qa_js($formid).').qa_focus=function() { '.$editor->focus_script('a_content').' };'; // added missing ; in the end

about line 976:
  $onloads[]='document.getElementById('.qa_js($formid).').qa_show=function() { '.$captchaloadscript.' };'; // added missing ; in the end
  line 981:
  $onloads[]='document.getElementById('.qa_js($formid).').qa_load=function() { '.$editor->load_script($prefix.'content').' };'; // added missing ; in the end
  line 983:
  $onloads[]='document.getElementById('.qa_js($formid).').qa_focus=function() { '.$editor->focus_script($prefix.'content').' };'; // added missing ; in the end

2. qa-page-question.php
line 246:
  "qa_element_revealed=document.getElementById('anew');" // added missing ;

3. qa-page.php
line 271: $script=array('<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript"><!--');
   to: $script=array('<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">'); // removed <!--
line 311: $script[]='//--></SCRIPT>';
   to: $script[]='</SCRIPT>'; // removed: //-->
line 297+298:
  "\tif (typeof qa_oldonload=='function')",
to: "\tif (typeof qa_oldonload=='function') {",
    "\t\tqa_oldonload(); }" // added {}
4. qa-theme-base.php
about line 330: '<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript"><!--',
  to: '<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">', // removed <!--
  line 333:
  to: '</SCRIPT>' // removed //--></SCRIPT>

5. qa-app-format.php
  line 1167: $funcscript[]="};"; // added missing ;

6. qa-recaptcha-captcha.php
  line 123 (line after "\tlang:".qa_js($language),):
  "};", // added missing ;

7. qa-wysiwyg-editor.php
about line 184 / line after: ($uploadall ? (", filebrowserUploadUrl:".qa_js(qa_path('wysiwyg-editor-upload'))) : "").
  "};" // added missing ;

Just after those changes Javascript could be parsed correctly, even on one line.

It is important to note that in JS functions do not need to be determined by semi-colon, however, the lines above are statements: var x = function() {...}; and not functions.

Q2A version: 1.5.3

2 Answers

0 votes
I will look into this, but Javascript does not require semicolons to end statements.
I thought so as well but having all javascript on one line, it did not work, giving me a "missing ; before statement" error several times. That's why I had to fix it (like Sherlock Homes) and posted the result above.

See also http://stackoverflow.com/a/444082 "Yes, you should use semicolons after every statement in JavaScript." + 2nd answer over there!

As you used new lines for js-statements in q2a code, Javascript was "inserting" the semicolons for you, which is not the case on one line...
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Missing semicolons can cause all kinds of problems because you are relying on the new lines to terminate statements. If you are generating Javascript with PHP and miss a new line (easy to do), something will get broken.

Also, Kai is correct about the HTML comments too. All browsers in use for the past 10 years understand what a script tag is (even if they don't run Javascript). HTML5 also says the "type" attribute on the script tag is not necessary (again, all browsers interpret <script> as JS anyway).
0 votes

I have fixed all the semicolons I could find in Q2A 1.6-dev (some were in slightly different places from what you mentioned above, I believe.) If you get a chance please download it and tell me if it is OK now.

v1.6.2: You forgot to set one semicolon in qa-app-format.php, line 1165.
And please add the brackets for javascript in qa-page.php at:
    "\tif (typeof qa_oldonload=='function') {", // added {}
    "\t\tqa_oldonload(); }"
Otherwise, when minifying, JS will take all following code into the function's scope.
I checked into these additional corrections, but don't understand the need for them. Of course they don't do any harm anyway, but I want to understand.

Your first suggestion refers to the closing of a function { ... } block and I didn't think they needed semicolons because they are not statements.

Your second suggestion refers to adding curly brackets around a single statement which is after an if (...). I don't see what this has to do with line endings and I would think that a minifying tool should do the right thing?
The issue was, when I minified the JS code (I used http://www.refresh-sf.com/yui/ ) the js code did not work anymore. That's why I was concerned about adding ; and {} for minified versions.