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Is there anyway that I can place the recent questions on a external web site. I would like the place the whole box if I can.

1 Answer

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Are you using wordpress? If yes than just wait for couple of weeks. I have just finished responsive theme and now Wordpress Widget Pack is in my pipeline.

If you are using something else than you need to fetch query and that is the only way you will get recent question out side the Q2A..
Yeah I'm not using WP. Is there a way I may be pay you to make that for me.
Okay here one question. External website you mean on the same server or somewhere else?

You also can use RSS feed to fetch recent updates. I think this is the most simple way for external website.
Yes on the same server using the same domain.  I use RSS feed now it's really not working out to well.
Alright! I got it. Let me make it for you