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I've been heavily involved in a stackexchange 1.0 site as a moderator for the past couple years, but waited to make my own site due to seemingly limited options (and being a dummy with respect to anything programming related).

Q2A is so far superior to the various wordpress plugins, paid hosted services, etc that it's ridiculous.

I've been scouring through questions on here to get familiar with it, and just wanted to say a little thanks to the creator and forum members who helped in development of the Q2A versions. I wrote off Q2A a while back, due to running across a dinky site running it, but some of the sites now adays are quite pretty.

So...thanks! And happy holidays.
nice one, Gideon, Scott and NoahY will be happy :)
My name in German class in high school and college was Kai :) Aber, mein Deutsch ist nicht mehr gut.
My pleasure :)

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