I have to style the user history (plugin here).
Example: http://www.gute-mathe-fragen.de/user/Sanusha?tab=history
However, there is only the following for CSS:
body.qa-template-user table.qa-form-wide-table
I can assign a style to that → but it will be globally and will also be valid for the /user/ profile!
I just need to style this specific table. Looking through the plugin source, I see that it uses the built-in functions to output the plugin html code. So there is no html identifier.
In qa-history-layer.php I tried to assign an ID like that:
return array(
'id' => 'qa-user-history-main', // added
'style' => 'wide',
'title' => qa_opt('user_act_list_title'),
'fields'=> $fields,
but it is not working.
Any help appreciated.
PS: @NoahY q2a-history is still a fork of user-activity-plus. As it is a fork nobody can assign "issues" in github.