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SMPT with Gmail gives FATAL Error and thows stack trace and few reuquire and other errors


I just used SMTP todays and went through Fatal error...


Is SMTP code not configured properly.

Also, i see many such question remained unanswered ?
Q2A version: latest

1 Answer

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Will need a little more info before anyone can help.

Localhosting or somewhere else,what did you put in the form in your Q&A

Some smtp places use a different port

is the port open?

What operation system?
I am using gmail smtp that means..

host :- smtp.gmail.com
port : 465.
username :- your_username_here
password :- your_password_here

Encryption:- TLS.

Anything else, you are looking for ?
Is your web page running on your Pc at home or you using rented space?
What is your Os if it is hosted on local host?
If it is localhost- at home try leaving  Encryption:- TLS. to none.
If localhost make sure port 465 is open on router and make sure port 465 is the one gmail uses. I don't use gmail so I don't know which port they use but most mail systems use port 35 or 3535
you may test your ports here http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/
most mail system users port 25, and i am running on rented space, my other websites using google smtp is working fine except question2answer!.
I am using godaddy and I am using port 25 to but they had 4 ports I could use. I had to let smtp thru my firewall  on win2008 server to get it to work.
I use and I had to use none for SMTP secure connection. Maye check your firewall settings.
please stop spam replying...
I was just trying to answer his question and if that is spam answering to you then you have a problem.