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in Q2A Core by
Hello, I have installed and integrated QA in my Wordpress site, but this can be viwed only as a separated page, like another site.

Please tell me how can I access the QA as a page in the menu on my site?

To be more explicit. I have a menu with multiple pages, eg: home, news, shop, forum eccetera, and I want tha QA to be visible like one of those pages and to be integrated in my site, and not to redirect me to another window.

Hope someone can help me.

Q2A version: Question2Answer 1.5.2,

3 Answers

0 votes
while you installed Q2A with WordPress it will installed into the same database however they will maintain own file strucutre and there fore it will never display Q2A menu item on yoru wordpress blog menu items.

If you want to display all Q2A menu item on your wordpress blog than add as a custom menu item.


Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Menu

Here add menu item with Custom Links. So if you want to add item for All activity than your link should be something like below


same for others. go on each page of q2a and copy url from addressbar and use that for menu item.

This is only one way I knwo. If you or anyone know other and better way please mention here so I also can learn.


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How about using one of the wordpress PHP snippets to display the content of a Q2A post, list, widget or page ?

0 votes
I agree with Mehdi, it's also possible to show list on question in widget or content using Q2A's Feed.