q2a is adding nofollow-links to all posted URLs in:
1. qa-app-format.php: functions qa_html_convert_urls + qa_url_to_html_link, adding it as <a href="..." rel="nofollow">
For the last couple of months I used the workaround of displaying all posts while removing the rel="nofollow" attribute with preg_match.
Today I removed the nofollow directly from qa-app-format.php and assumed there would be nofollow attributes anymore, but there are!
As I am using the edit-history-plugin now, I can see what is going on in the database. It seems that the nofollow tag is added anyway, which makes me really wonder!
See revision example at: http://www.gute-mathe-fragen.de/revisions/1926
Can somebody enlighten me how to remove nofollow completely when a question is posted?
PS: Strange enough when posting the question the order is: <a rel="nofollow" href="link"> after editing the question and posting it again the order is: <a href="link" rel="nofollow"> ... just compare revision and original post (see html source "Funktionen").
PS2: I am using wysiwyig editor (CKeditor) but I could not find any line yet that says it is adding the nofollow tag...