I'm trying to override read_post($fieldname) function in "qa-editor-basic.php" file to edit post content after each time they are edited or added. but I couldn't override it.
it simply made no deffirence. I even raised an error which only showed in plugins page, but not while I edited or added a question.
file qa-plugin.php:
qa_register_plugin_module('module', 'qa-seo-links-admin.php', 'qa_seo_links_admin', 'SEO Links');
qa_register_plugin_module('editor', 'qa-seolinks.php', 'qa_seo_links', 'SEO Links Editor');
file qa-seolinks.php:
class qa_link_optimizer {
function read_post($fieldname)
//apply changes to $postinfo
return array(
'format' => '',
'content' => ,$postinfo