Alright, I took my time today and did the basic PHP for the most active user list, check it out below.
But hold on: I have no idea how to put this into a plugin, so: Who can help putting this into a plugin?
copy + paste the code into a php file, run it, enjoy:
require_once( 'qa-config.php' );
mysql_connect(QA_MYSQL_HOSTNAME, QA_MYSQL_USERNAME, QA_MYSQL_PASSWORD) or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db(QA_MYSQL_DATABASE) or die(mysql_error());
// get week range from current date, week starts sunday
list($weekstart, $weekend) = x_week_range( date('Y-m-d') );
// 'handle' holds each username, ignore anonym users with handle = NULL
$query = mysql_query("SELECT handle,event from `qa_eventlog` WHERE `datetime` BETWEEN '$weekstart' AND '$weekend' AND `handle`!='NULL';") or die(mysql_error());
/* events that are regarded for activity points: badge_awarded, q_post, a_post, c_post, in_a_question, in_c_question, in_c_answer, q_vote_up, in_q_vote_up, in_a_vote_up
Problem: in event_log something like "in_q_vote_up" registers the user who RECEIVED the vote, but not the one how voted!
So we can only take the basic events that originate from the user: badge_awarded, q_post, a_post, c_post, q_vote_up, a_vote_up
Edit: I checked the event logs as one of my users had many activity points without any answer or question, this was because he voted a lot (q_vote_up and a_vote_up), so those must be removed as well.
Also the badge_awarded had to be removed as new users already get several awards.
This is what was left:
$activityEvents = array("q_post", "a_post", "c_post");
$users = array();
// count 1 point for each activity
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
if(in_array($row['event'], $activityEvents)) {
// echo implode(",", $row)."<br />";
// output the activity points for each user this week
echo "<h2>Most active users this week</h2>";
foreach ($users as $key => $val) {
echo "$key ($val points)<br />";
// function to get week range from given date
// credits to
function x_week_range($date) {
$ts = strtotime($date);
$start = (date('w', $ts) == 0) ? $ts : strtotime('last sunday', $ts);
return array(date('Y-m-d', $start),
date('Y-m-d', strtotime('next saturday', $start)));
// general question: handle and userid are saved in db together?