qa-base.php has a line that throws a warning if a $_POST entry is an array:
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value)
This doesn't work for a <select> field that has the "multiple" attribute and a name ending in [], e.g.:
<select name="myselect[]" multiple>
since this passes the post variable as an array:
stripslashes() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /var/www/q2a/qa-include/qa-base.php on line 158
Any solution?
EDIT: okay, I found one workaround, also realized it is only a problem for wordpress integration, since the above line is trying to change some wordpress behaviour. The workaround is to add the folowing to my qa-config.php file:
foreach($_POST as $i => $p)
$_POST[$i] = implode(',',$p);
and then re-explode the string later. Unfortunately, that doesn't help when creating a plugin...