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+1 vote
in Q2A Core by

I've got wordpress running on my server. I uploaded q2a edited the config file

('QA_WORDPRESS_INTEGRATE_PATH', '/public_html');

/public_html/wp-load.php  thats where the php file is.


but i get this error

Question2Answer fatal error:

Could not find wp-load.php file for WordPress integration - please check QA_WORDPRESS_INTEGRATE_PATH in qa-config.php



Q2A version: 1.5

1 Answer

+3 votes
You need to put the full path.  When I was hosting on Goddady shared hosting in the past our path was this:

define('QA_WORDPRESS_INTEGRATE_PATH', '/home/content/c/h/i/chin3983/html/');

We've since moved onto Amazon EC2 but it's the same idea.  You have to use the full path.