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I am searching for a way to get/remove access to my Q&A to my registered users (not registered one cannot add questions).
I searched for a while and found that I should be able to find a "Block User" button on the user profile page, but I do not see any button on this page.

I use the WP user account to manage the rights to ask question. Does anyone can tell me if there is another way to block users or to activate the missing button.

Q2A version: 1.5

2 Answers

+1 vote
I'm afraid it's not currently possible to block users if you're using Q2A with external user integration, such as with WordPress. But I can see this is a shortcoming and will try to address it in Q2A 1.5.1, by enabling the blocked status of users in the external system to be passed through to Q2A.
Ok, thanks a lot.
I didn't know there was a way to set user as blocked in WP.
Which data do you think to use to know when a user is blocked in WP ?
You might be right - I haven't looked into it for WordPress yet. But I hope to add a general mechanism for those using single sign on integration.
+1 vote
One reason I found for not getting the Block User button is that this feature is disabled for users >= Moderator. Demote the user and you should see the Block User as well as Delete User buttons.