Welcome to the Question2Answer Q&A. There's also a demo if you just want to try it out.
+7 votes
in Plugins by

- select questions by id in admin/plugins
- questions are moved to top of list (or added if not in list)
- css class added to question wrapper
- css modifiable via admin/plugins




Any comments?

Installed featured question and I think it breaks the mouseover layer for the other questions on the page... can anyone else confirm?
Not for me...
It works great for me!  Thanks NoahY!
It would be great, if you could also feature questions on the "All Activity" Page. Anyone might be able to quickly extend the plugin like this?

5 Answers

0 votes

Whenever I install the plugins I receive errors. It is the same for this plugin. Is there a way to fix these kind of errors. What are the reasons?

Notice: Undefined index: url in/home/xxx/public_html/qa-include/qa-theme-base.phpon line1261

Notice: Undefined index: title in/home/xxx/public_html/qa-include/qa-theme-base.phpon line1261

yeah, just turn off error reporting - these aren't errors, just notices.
Thanks for your advice. I've just disabled display_errors, It works well
edited file: php.ini
display_errors = Off
0 votes
Nice, thanks ! Would be more usefull, and i would use it if i can add seperate page "featured questions" or maybe better widget with latest 5 featured questions.
asked Mar 7, 2012 in Plugins by anonymous How do you know the question IDs?
0 votes
i know this plugin is old, but it worked like  charm for me :D ( just a local test website )
my question is : how can i show the featured questions on the sidebar, i dont want them to be pinned on top of other questions, just showing up on the sidebar .
thank you
0 votes
Hi. I just downloaded your plugin and works fine. The only problem that i have is that i use the infinite scroll function on my website to load questions on page scrolling. So when i am setting a question to featured then this question displaying (repeating) after 25 questions. Could you suggest any solution on this issue?


I appreciate your help.

Best Regards
Any Help? @NoahY
+1 vote
Noah, how to feauted question for a certain hours? For instance, I want to feature a question for 24 hours. After 24 hours, the question should be automatically dropped from featured list.
You'll have to setup a CRON job that updates the database directly