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in Plugins by

Thanks to @pupi1985 we are now having a social login plugin for Q2A. We are using it on our website GATEOverflow for LinkedIn and Google logins and they work great. Please feel free to try it. 


Q2A version: 1.8.8
what is the Redirect URI to Ensure that the redirect URL is correctly formatted and matches what’s set in the app settings
exemple : https://yourdomain.com/qa-social-login/facebook/callback
is that correcte
What is the theme used?
Polaris premium
I fixed the Facebook login but google can't work i dont. Have a redirect url callback

4 Answers

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Update 1.0.1


  • Added option to Disable Q2A Core Registration.
  • Created separate words for "Log in with / Register with" links, so it's easier to distinguish the current visited page.
  • Converted image icons into SVG.
  • Added Note, for when the Core Registration is disabled, to make it more intuitive/understandable on why the User Registration form isn't present, for better UX.


Admin page:

Register page:

Login page:


If you enable the plugin, an error appears on the registration page .. It does not work
What error is it showing?
Is this the same issue for the Linux Systems again?

This page isn’t working
ask-1000.com is currently unable to handle this request.
@hala2016 Cannot replicate it. It's working fine for me.
And also here: https://gateoverflow.in/login
Maybe the problem is with my server. Let me search.
0 votes
Hi I added this plugin in my site which is 1.8.8 and it broke down

php version 8.3
What happened? We are also running it on 1.8.8
Thanks for your reply
I have uploaded the files to plugin folder and when ì enter to the plugin page in admin and activate the plugin the site becomes a white page
My bad - the vendor folder was excluded in .gitignore. Can you try now?
0 votes
This plugin is incomplete. The site breaks due to php fatal error. Qa-plugin.php requires vendor/autoload.php which doesn't exist.
So I have been trying to figure out why this plugin doesn't work and the plugin is very confusing. I have tried to figure out why the plugin doesn't work and have gotten no where.I have copied the error logs below.

[Thu Oct 31 23:18:07.881738 2024] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 489654:tid 489986] [remote] AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Class "PUPI_SL\\Config" not found in /home/admin/domains/biblyoverflow.com/public_html/qa-plugin/q2a-social-login-main/qa-plugin.php:22\nStack trace:\n#0 /home/admin/domains/biblyoverflow.com/public_html/qa-include/Q2A/Plugin/PluginManager.php(91): require_once()\n#1 /home/admin/domains/biblyoverflow.com/public_html/qa-include/Q2A/Plugin/PluginManager.php(114): Q2A_Plugin_PluginManager->loadPlugins()\n#2 /home/admin/domains/biblyoverflow.com/public_html/qa-include/qa-base.php(405): Q2A_Plugin_PluginManager->loadPluginsAfterDbInit()\n#3 /home/admin/domains/biblyoverflow.com/public_html/qa-include/qa-page.php(36): qa_initialize_postdb_plugins()\n#4 /home/admin/domains/biblyoverflow.com/public_html/qa-include/qa-index.php(189): require('...')\n#5 /home/admin/domains/biblyoverflow.com/public_html/index.php(27): require('...')\n#6 {main}\n  thrown in /home/admin/domains/biblyoverflow.com/public_html/qa-plugin/q2a-social-login-main/qa-plugin.php on line 22', referer: https://biblyoverflow.com/admin/plugins

The  above error codes happen after I upload the plugin to the plugin folder. The readme.md file gives no real information unfortunately. I am hoping that someone will see something that I don't and get me in the right direction.
My bad - the vendor folder was excluded in .gitignore. Can you try now?
When I installed it again with the updated files I was still getting errors. When going through the error logs I noticed that it was trying to open the qa-external/qa-external-users.php. Which I did not think that I needed to have this option configured. So out of curiosity I looked in the files of the plugin. In the qa-plugin.php file within the plugin directory, on line 8 the following code is if (!QA_FINAL_EXTERNAL_USERS)...

I then configured the config.php file to allow qa ecternal users to see what would happen. After doing so, that took care of the error codes but, can no longer log in. At this point I am completely lost. I thought the qa external users was for multi site. Now my question is are you using qa external option with the plugin and if so, how did you setup the files to work correctly.
No. We are not using external users and we also don't have any additional settings. AFAIK the plugin doesn't support External users.
I can't seem to figure it out. I am pretty sure I am using the same theme, qa version has your site. It should work right out of the box. However, this has been an issue with many plugins that are available. They seem to only work for some and not others. Very confusing indeed. If I can't get it to work I'll have to figure out a way to reach the person that developed it.
0 votes

Hi I tried the new update and it is working and the site doesnt break down 

But we need some directions in the settings and in the social media apps 

What should I put for example in this?

Below are the setup instructions shared with me.
"For the callback URL, https://yoursite.com should suffice. If it doesn't work, you can try https://yoursite.com/?provider=twitter

In general, you need to allow the apps to access the public profile and/or the email address of the users.

For Twitter, if I remember correctly, Hybridauth has only implemented the version 1 of their API, so take that into account.

Each provider has their complexities to set up the apps, such as configuring the login pages, privacy URLs, verifications, etc. I think this should be enough for you to get started, though."