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+1 vote
in Q2A Core by

OK so maybe you can call me controlling :) Maybe conscientious :) In either case I would like to receive ALL postings not just new questions,  but all ANSWERS and COMMENTS by email. I have been doing this with my forum at another site and it really allows me to stay on top of spam posts etc..

Maybe via plug in? maybe some coding that subscribes me to every question automatically? What would be the best way to accomplish this please?

Q2A version: 1.4.3

2 Answers

+1 vote
Yes, it's pretty easy.  Create an event module:


and have it check for q_post, a_post, and c_post, then have it call the function:

qa_send_notification($userid, $email, $handle, $subject, $body, $subs);

where $subs is an associative array that substitutes keys for values in $body, e.g.:

        $subs = array(
            '^badge_name'=> qa_opt('badge_'.$badge_slug.'_name'),
            '^post_title'=> @$post_title,
            '^post_url'=> @$post_url,
            '^profile_url'=> $profile_url,
            '^site_url'=> $site_url,

Or, you can also just create a custom $body on the fly.  See the badges plugin for an example.
I'll have to wait for someone else to make a plug in then. My coding skills are not great - as you may have already guessed. I can accomplish quite a bit but this porject is way over my head and I know when to raise my hand and say, I don know...  thanks..

My thoughts of order of process are keen though.. wouldn't it be as easily and more simple add to
Administration center - Emails
Email me at this address when a question is posted  (check box)
[ADD] Email me at this address when a Answer is posted  (check box)
[ADD] Email me at this address when a Comment is posted  (check box)
[ADD] Email me at this address when a post is edited  (check box)
you could do this with a plugin... pretty easy, if I have time I can do it later...
sweet.. many thanks...
0 votes
Sorry for the delay, this is now possible using the latest admin-plus plugin:


I haven't tested it yet, please let me know if it actually works :)

settings are on admin/emails
edited by
woohoo thanks Noah, I did create a RSS feed in my google reader, but its not something I rmemeber to look at every day.. I assume this is for the new version? I plan on upgrading but can't do that for 2 weeks, business travel taking my time right now..

it does work - installed anyway - in the 1.4.3 - I'll tweak the settings and play.. thanks

Ypu really should extend the readme to include info on this other email setting :)
Yeah, I'm getting comment and answer posts delivered now, so can confirm it works.  Note, the admin plugin has a php entry field which is a bit dangerous... if you put a file called "password" in the plugin directory with a password as its only content, it will require a password to enter php code, which is advisable.  I'll add this all to the readme.
yup its working now I think.. sorry you lost me on the php code part :) I didnt intend on using it anyway :)
Thanks for the plugin... but it does not work on my config.
I am using version 1.5.3
The installation was easily done.
I do have the "Email this address when an answer is posted" and "Email this address when a comment is posted" in Emails section, and I do have clicked those, and save the Options. But I only received mails when a question is posted (and not for comment and answer).
I am also send email via SMTP instead of local mail (don't know if this is related), and this is working fine (at least, when question is posted).
Any though ?