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in Plugins by

I understand that I have to edit the  qa-wysiwyg-editor.php file in the wysiwyg-editor plugin but the current code appears to call on qa´s language settings dynamically.


", defaultLanguage:".qa_js(qa_opt('site_language')).
I have set qa to Spanish but the editor doesn´t change. I have change it to other languages as well and it doesn´t change.
So I am trying to hard code the setting but ...
", language = 'es'".
the entire ckEditor disappears.
Any ideas? Thank you in advance.
Q2A version: 1.4.3

1 Answer

+1 vote

Sorry, I solved it!

I was a question of syntax.

You need to write the code as follows...


", defaultLanguage:".qa_js(qa_opt('site_language')).
", language:'es'".
Thank you. This was useful :-)