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Q2A Honeypot

Free Spam Prevention Plugin.

This plugin creates a simple Javascript honeypot for spam bots on User Registration, preventing them from auto-filling fields and completing user registration.

Github - Q2A-Honeypot

Few days ago I launched a brand new website and immediately started getting loads of Spam Bot registrations. So I decided to write a JS script to target those emails in which spam bots were coming from, and preventing them from being used in the registration form. But they were still getting through.

Then I thought: Oh wait... I'm doing this wrong... I should be targeting the ones I want to allow them through instead (like @gmail, @hotmail etc.) to avoid having this huge list of rejected emails. But somehow bots were still getting through.

So I continued coding, and doing some more research, and stumbled upon the honeypotting concept and put together the plugin above.

This could go up another level of complexity and gather reports to study the blocked bots, but for now this simple code does its job and has been blocking 100% of the spam on my website.

Awesome work. Thanks for updating here brother
I installed and enabled this plugin.
After 24 hours I got 741 spam registrations!
I think it is not working well, please have a look.
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It was good for a couple of months, until it wasn't no more..
Blockers are no longer as effective. It's likely that spammers have dissected the code and worked their way around to bypass it...

I've made a new update though (2024-nov-10), so it randomizes the attributed class and is no longer hardcoded. There's a couple of people using it, and say it's working so far.

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v1.1 - Support for Register, Ask and Feedback pages.
Github - Q2A Honeypot 
