Still working on this one, here's an image of what it looks like so far:

What it does is add custom "incoming" events to the event logger database table (tied to the receiving user, rather than the triggering user), keeps a list of descriptions for all events, and outputs this list on a user profile (only visible to that user). Kind of a combination of Stack Exchange's "reputation" and "activity" tabs.
Anyone interested?
EDIT: Okay, here's the first draft:
seems to work okay, with a little testing. Requires the event logger plugin set to log to database.
- shows almost all events in list
- shows incoming events (e.g. user's question voted on)
- shows points gained and lost for each event if applicable.
- option to replace old activity list
- set max age of events to show in admin/plugins
- set event exceptions to hide from profile owner and those to show to public, via admin/plugins
- css configurable, all strings configurable via admin/plugins
EDIT (Nov 2):
added new incoming event bubble to user name:

added badges to history (requires badge plugin)