I already tried this solutions:
Look at the bottom of pages/question.php. There's a big if statement with various checks. You can remove the two IP checks (the ones with "different IP" comments).
Also I remove the below line of codes from that function.
if (qa_opt('do_count_q_views') && !$formrequested && !qa_is_http_post() && qa_is_human_probably() &&
(!$question['views'] || (
// if it has more than zero views, then it must be different IP & user & cookieid from the creator
(@inet_ntop($question['createip']) != qa_remote_ip_address() || !isset($question['createip'])) &&
($question['userid'] != $userid || !isset($question['userid'])) &&
($question['cookieid'] != $cookieid || !isset($question['cookieid']))
And just put the below code instead
$qa_content['inc_views_postid'] = $questionid;
But it didn't work properly for me or I actually didn't understand what should will do.