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+10 votes
in Plugins by
I am using default recaptcha plugin to protect spam on "registration"  , "forget password" and "feedback" page . This captcha is perfectly work on "registration" and "forget password" page but it is not showing on "Feeback" page . What will be the issue ?

1 Answer

+2 votes

Firstly I assume you have set these options:

  • Admin > Emails > Provide a page for users to send feedback
  • Admin > Spam > Use captcha on feedback form
  • Admin > Spam > Use captcha module

If so, the issue is that the captcha does not show for logged-in users, as it's assumed they already completed a captcha to register. If you log out, or use private mode and go to the Feedback page you should see the captcha.

Sorry but unfortunately if I log out, or use private mode and go to the Feedback page then  still I can't see the captcha . What will be the issue ?
Did you find out any solution for this problem ?
not work for me , i just disable feedback page