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+3 votes
in Plugins by
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"name": "Categories any where",

"description": "Provides a basic widget for displaying Categories any where",


"version": "1.0",

"date": "2021-03-21",

"author": "Zhao Guangyue",

"author_uri": "https://ostack.cn",

"license": "GPLv2",

"min_q2a": "1.4",

"load_order": "after_db_init"



thank you for sharing
for note , h2 is not good for SEO , need to update
thank for your suggestion and donate

4 Answers

+1 vote
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Best answer

I have update the plugin to support: 

1.limit catetory to show 

2.use seperator css in order to fit dount 

@berzan @MadMadnez  you can reload for github and install it to you site 

sonw flat theme:

donout theme

Do you have a plugin to log in with Facebook and Google?
yes, I have............
0 votes
Thanks , it  looks fine but if you have more than a lot categories it looks bad , can we decide ho many categories or which categories will display?
I will add this function in the net version .
show it by number or by special name , Do you think which is better?
Both of  them are good , thanks a lot again for that great plugin
I have update the plugin to support:

1.limit catetory to show

2.use seperator css in order to fit dount

you can reload for github and install it to you site
0 votes
The plugin doesn't seem to work for me... Do you have any ideas?
first: enable this plugin in admin page [plugin]
second:add widget "category anywhere" in admin page [layout]
Thank you so much! I indeed haven't added the widget in admin page. And now it works.

But I have a question. Did you work on design only for Snow Flat theme? Would you like to make it for Donut theme too? That would be just great! :)
edited by
I did a test on dounut theme , the plug in work like the answer i replay, it is not like the snow flat as this plug in used the theme css, an not define itself
I have update the plugin to support:

1.limit catetory to show

2.use seperator css in order to fit dount

you can reload for github and install it to you site
0 votes
edited by


I did a test on dounut theme , the plug in work like the below pic, it is not like the snow flat as this plug in used the theme css, an not define itself

Thanks , now it is so perfect.It works for me when I write category names.
There is a issue like this if you have hidden category i t shows it and if there is "Allow questions with no category" allowed, it shows it empty small box
1:Is hide category set by plugin or by admin permission?
If by another plugin ,I think you should also exclude the category in my plugin parameter, If you use admin permission I think I can FIX it in the next version
2:Do you mean do not show the category which is none questions? can you provide me a pic or your site url?
1-Hide category set by admin permission on admin center/ categories .
2-Also in same section when we check option of "Allow questions with no category" ,  in menu it show emty because there is no name for category.
I can't reproduce this issue,can you show me a picture or url