Welcome to the Question2Answer Q&A. There's also a demo if you just want to try it out.
+6 votes
in Plugins by
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Q2A script's android and iOS app using flutter...

just APK file for your website -> $10

APK file and source code -> $50

If anyone needs this app message me here or send me an email


Some screenshots:






Some features:

1- Last questions and top questions

2- add questions, answers, or comments

3- sign up and sign in

4- Categories

5- Search

6 - ....

* Free updates every month

Demo link: Download demo app

Can we try the app? Plugins work? Notifications?
Can we try the app? yeah. send me a message or email. I will send u a demo(demo is not English)
Do plugins work? nope! but if u have a plugin and u want this app to support that. I can add that plugin to the app(not free!)
Notifications? not support notifications yet maybe in the next versions!
Thanks  But it won't be useful for us where a lot of plugins are in use. Actually we'll be happy to buy a good Android/ios App which can be just webapps -- so no issue with plugins or layout, with just the added app menus -- this can be for login, settings, notices.
Yeah... webapps are a good choice too. but I think using a native app is more professional...
Not really. As mobile themes are pretty good these days. Unless the native app brings in advanced UI -- which is not that important for a QA site.
hey is this app free

2 Answers

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Best answer

English demo is available now.
+1 vote
Is it free ? if so I can give a translation for Chinese
No... It's not free but not expensive! :)
The Chinese version is not available yet... but if u want I can translate it...
demo is available now!
He wants to help you in Chinese version if your app is free
Aha. yeah. but not free!!