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In snowflat theme, the sidebar looks very thin as 251px. i think it should be at least 300px wide so content looks clean and also then we can add some advertising image banner or ad code.

but, I am worried about what if I change qa-main-wrapper 1024px to 1300px, qa-main 74.5% to 75.5% and sidebar 25% to 23.5%?

are there any chances for display issues in the mobile or desktop display? or any plugin widget that would not look good?

plz, forgive me for my bad English.wink I hope you understand what I what to say.

Q2A version: 1.8.4

1 Answer

0 votes
You can always duplicate Snowflat theme as Ebonyflat theme and test yourself. When things go wrong, just switch the theme back to status quo.