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in Q2A Core by

When installing after clicking "Craete Database......"nothing hjappens insted it remains same but the URL chnages to /index.php?qa=install.


My server error log showing Question2Answer MySQL query error 1146: Table 'uanvgsus_ask.qa_posts' doesn't exist


Anyone Can help me? Please !

1 Answer

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It looks like the install process didn't start automatically - please try going to index.php?qa=install in the root of your Q2A directory.

i am still getting following error

Database query error 1146
Table 'a99_qa.qa_options' doesn't exist

(SELECT '_options' AS selectkey, title, BINARY content AS content FROM qa_options) UNION ALL (SELECT '_time', NULL, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()))
i deleted my database and create again , this solve my problem