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I'm trying to make all suspect user registration (based on some conditions) go to a moderate list when their profiles will be hidden in a similar way posts are being moderated in Q2A. This will provide a list of all user registrations in a page to be easily moderated by admins with Select All - delete option as well. 

In Admin panel there is a moderation option for Users. But the problem with this is

  1. User profiles/pages are being created even without moderation approval
Q2A version: 1.8
Thanks to q2apro, I'm now extending this plugin.

So far has added an option to allow user registrations only from allowed email domains with an email to admin for any new email domains being blocked. Planning to add a userlist page group by email domains with an option to delete all users from an email domain in one go.
I’ve been evaluating various options to handle spam in Q2A. For example adding a ‘spam’ status to posts (and maybe users). The idea being you could detect things as spam and they can sit in a bin that’s separate to regular moderation. Plugins would be able to hook into it too.
That should help Scott. Last 2 days I deleted about 30,000 spam users :)

I think in the Users page we need a list for listing users with unconfirmed emails and an option to delete all of them in one go older than some chosen days.
Whitelisting is working pretty well. Just that you need to have a set of whitelisted domains specific to your country. Is anyone interested in this option?

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The spam domains captured in last one day. You can add them to the blocked email registration list though this will keep on growing.

I think this makes sense, I think you can prevent spam sites from being collected and shared in a list.
This is just one step. Whitelisting the email domains is a better step as 99% of genuine users come from a few good domains and 99% of spammers come from a large number of spam domains which they keep on changing. The above list will be useful for like 10 days and needs to be changed after that.
Consider a list, we add the domain names here. When we block a domain name, it will not be able to use it as spam later.
yes. Just that any site using the list must update the list everyday. Probably can host this list live on github