same error...just it did one step
Running query: LOCK TABLES qa_users WRITE, qa_userlogins WRITE, qa_userprofile WRITE, qa_userfields WRITE, qa_cookies WRITE, qa_categories WRITE, qa_pages WRITE, qa_widgets WRITE, qa_posts WRITE, qa_blobs WRITE, qa_words WRITE, qa_titlewords WRITE, qa_contentwords WRITE, qa_posttags WRITE, qa_uservotes WRITE, qa_userpoints WRITE, qa_userlimits WRITE, qa_iplimits WRITE, qa_options WRITE, qa_cache WRITE ...
7 upgrade step/s remaining...
Running query: CREATE TABLE qa_tagwords (postid INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, wordid INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, KEY postid (postid), KEY wordid (wordid), CONSTRAINT qa_tagwords_ibfk_1 FOREIGN KEY (postid) REFERENCES qa_posts(postid) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT qa_tagwords_ibfk_2 FOREIGN KEY (wordid) REFERENCES qa_words(wordid)) ENGINE=InnoDB CHARSET=utf8 ...
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\mobi-x\qa-include\qa-db-install.php:1020) in C:\xampp\htdocs\mobi-x\qa-include\qa-install.php on line 60
Question2Answer was unable to perform the installation query below. Please check the user in the config file has CREATE and ALTER permissions:
CREATE TABLE qa_tagwords (postid INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, wordid INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, KEY postid (postid), KEY wordid (wordid), CONSTRAINT qa_tagwords_ibfk_1 FOREIGN KEY (postid) REFERENCES qa_posts(postid) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT qa_tagwords_ibfk_2 FOREIGN KEY (wordid) REFERENCES qa_words(wordid)) ENGINE=InnoDB CHARSET=utf8
Error 1100: Table 'qa_tagwords' was not locked with LOCK TABLES