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+1 vote
in Q2A Core by
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What you want to see in the core q2a:

1. The ability to completely close the profile from other users.

2. Black list of users, the ability of the user to block another user, so as not to see his questions.

3. The ability to encourage the user in the form of gif, jpg, png images on the wall, from another user, with an installed set of stickers.

I understand that this is an open platform. and kernel developers have no time to be distracted by additional functions, but this would improve the overall picture of q2a.

Not everyone can develop and implement new functions on their own.

As for the prices for plug-ins, they are big, I also understand that the seller sets the price, but you also need to have a conscience.

For the price offered here for one plugin, you can buy a ready-made platform with the support of these elementary functions included in the kernel, as I described above.

I see two options:

1. The platform dies to the end, which is already happening.

2. Either the developers listen to the wishes of users.

I think many here will agree with me.

And there seems to be no community, every man for himself(
Q2A version: 1.8.0
May I know which plugin is over priced here?
I switched to ips4 and xen foro a long time ago ust blackfoot skatina here, which sells not working plugins !!!!
Didn't get. But it's your responsibility to buy working ones. Some developers are not good and their plugins are useless -- you have to see this before buying. Here for example I buy any plugin of Pupi because it's guaranteed to work well.

1 Answer

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I hope to see the point #2 !

"Black list of users, the ability of the user to block another user, so as not to see his questions."

It should be 2 way right? As in Facebook block.
I rarely use FB. Just a flag to ignore one or more users.
It's not that difficult to do. But need a bit of core change. I'm currently doing a list for users. Once tested will try this.