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+4 votes
in Plugins by
Considering it is a premium plugin you should check that with the plugin author
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2 Answers

+3 votes
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Best answer

Well, you could have clarified it was NOT a premium plugin so the code is public, despite of the plugin name :)

Try my fork of the plugin and report back: https://github.com/pupi1985/q2apro-sceditor-premium.

Make sure to enable the plugin in the plugin settings (now it can be disabled on Q2A 1.8+)

Thanks man :)
what route should I give in the folder when the installation is not in the root in q2apro-sceditor-editor.php?
happens that when I install q2a in another folder they are not observed because the path of the emoticons is not in the root. so I do it in wampserver. where I define a route when it is not root
I might not fully understand the question. However, I tested it under this kind of URL http://site.com/something/123 and it works fine. The plugin takes the URL that you define in admin/general so most likely you're not configuring it properly there, if you are having any issue with the plugin
yes, it only works in htaccess URL
Like you said
+1 vote

I inserted a lot of new emoticons into it, but they only work for me in the comments

Why do not they work in the question itself until I find the reason

Yes its running
Do You know where i replace emoticons on Code?
In folder minified  file jquery.sceditor.min.js  enter the name of the smilie in the search and find the old one you need, it is better to open this file in Notepad++

The emoticons themselves are in the emoticons folder
there additional your upload and write their names to a file jquery.sceditor.min.js
Here is an example  {dropdown:{":119:":"emoticons/119.gif",":sad:":"emoticons/sad.gif"

the main thing is not to be mistaken and everything will turn out, I don’t know how well I explained
There : ": sad:"

Change sad for the name of emoticon
Can you add more letter colors?