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+1 vote
in Q2A Core by
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I want to modify username of a user on my q2a site. But I'm unable to see such option to modify username of a user. 

However, I can edit my own username directly on my profile:

I've checked this on server database but unable to this option?
Could you please resolve this issue, thanks in advance.

Q2A version: 1.8.2

2 Answers

+1 vote
edited by
Best answer

You can not modify username of a user on Admin section or on profile of users.

> You have to visit your database section (phpmyadmin on bluehost.com),
> click on your database username of your website
> click on qa_user
> search user that you want to edit.
> click on edit (or you can also edit most-values by double clicking on them)
> click go.

+1 vote
No, that's possible, please see my attached SS on above post :)
I meant that the administrator can not change the nickname of another user
Please see/check updated post.
Yes, you are correct @Niko :)