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+1 vote
in Q2A Core by

I replaced all files of 1.7.1 with those of 1.8.2. then upon ruining the new script for first time it displayed a button to upgrade the db on which I clicked and this error was thrown:

Running query: LOCK TABLES qa_users WRITE, qa_userlogins WRITE, qa_userlevels WRITE, qa_userprofile WRITE, qa_userfields WRITE, qa_messages WRITE, qa_userfavorites WRITE, qa_usernotices WRITE, qa_userevents WRITE, qa_sharedevents WRITE, qa_cookies WRITE, qa_categories WRITE, qa_pages WRITE, qa_widgets WRITE, qa_posts WRITE, qa_blobs WRITE, qa_words WRITE, qa_titlewords WRITE, qa_contentwords WRITE, qa_tagwords WRITE, qa_posttags WRITE, qa_uservotes WRITE, qa_userpoints WRITE, qa_userlimits WRITE, qa_iplimits WRITE, qa_options WRITE, qa_cache WRITE, qa_usermetas WRITE, qa_postmetas WRITE, qa_categorymetas WRITE, qa_tagmetas WRITE ...

8 upgrade step/s remaining...

Q2A version: 1.8.2

1 Answer

+1 vote

Looks like the options file has not been included. Strange, as I test all upgrade queries and never had that problem. Should be solvable by adding this line in qa-include/db/install.php just before that function call (line 1489, below where it says case 60:)

require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'app/options.php';
Then run the upgrade again.
The fix makes sense. What doesn't make any sense is the error itself. This function call has been there since v1.8.0-beta1. Maybe the app/options.php file had been included by another function call in the past that is no longer called now... I'd wait to see if this repeats in the future
adding require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'app/options.php'; did not help however upgrading directly from 1.7.1. to 1.8.3 progressed better, this time with this error:

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded in \q2a\qa-include\qa-db.php on line 227

5 upgrade step/s remaining...

Running query: ALTER TABLE qa_cookies MODIFY writeip VARBINARY(16), MODIFY createip VARBINARY(16) NOT NULL ...

Running query: UPDATE qa_cookies SET writeip = UNHEX(HEX(CAST(writeip AS UNSIGNED))), createip = UNHEX(HEX(CAST(createip AS UNSIGNED))) ...

Running query: ALTER TABLE qa_iplimits MODIFY ip VARBINARY(16) NOT NULL ...

Running query: UPDATE qa_iplimits SET ip = UNHEX(HEX(CAST(ip AS UNSIGNED))) ...

Running query: ALTER TABLE qa_blobs MODIFY createip VARBINARY(16) ...

Running query: UPDATE qa_blobs SET createip = UNHEX(HEX(CAST(createip AS UNSIGNED))) ...

Running query: ALTER TABLE qa_posts MODIFY lastviewip VARBINARY(16), MODIFY lastip VARBINARY(16), MODIFY createip VARBINARY(16) ...
I also tried upgrading to 1.7.5 and then to 1.8.3. Still same problem!