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in Plugins by
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Hello there

I don't know how everything was going, but now it doesn't hide the category of sexuality. I'm writing the category number I'm doing all the settings still showing. It was working in 1.8 version was active, now 1.8.2 is in the latest version but it does not work. I'm waiting for your help.


I am using translation, sorry.

Q2A version: 1.8.2
Seems to be working well for me
He's been working before, I don't know what it is, but he's not working right now.

I'm sending the user name and site with a private message, can you check?
@pupi1985 I found out why! Hide category doesn't work simultaneously with q2am-simple-adverts! I removed the q2am-simple-adverts plugin and the categories were hidden. Do you think I can't use both at the same time? What should I do for this? Please help! Sorry for the bad english. I'm using translation.


1 Answer

+2 votes
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Best answer
I've made some minor changes to those plugins. Download them from here:



Note none of those plugins are actually mine. I just fix them when I see one of these posts.

BTW, the hide categories one, now supports multiple hidden categories :)

BTW 2, you can now disable the plugins so you'll have to enabled them before using them
I am thankful to you! The plugin is not yours, but you've worked on it and edited it! Thank you very very much!

Now both plugins are running at the same time! I really don't know what to do! Thank you so much!

A little problem arose. When I activate both plugins, the question lists show two of each question. How can we fix this? I mean, he lists two of the same questions. I hope I could tell =)
Fixed. Please, redownload the category hide one
Thank you. Great! It works smoothly! You're okay <3