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+1 vote
in Q2A Core by
I'm using a different button, so I don't need the Ask a question button in the navigation menu anymore.

How can I remove it?


I've tried a couple of things but I didn't succeed :-(

1 Answer

+5 votes
Try this:

Override nav_main_sub() function in qa-theme() to remove 'Ask' tab.

function nav_main_sub(){


thanks! that worked just fine.
awesome! thanks
why it wont work for me?
i put it after function_nav_user_search
          class qa_html_theme extends qa_html_theme_base
        function nav_user_search() // reverse the usual order
      function nav_main_sub(){


but it still show up..
edited by
One } too much. You close the class before you put your function - that's it doesn't work. You need to delete } that is just before nav_main_sub() function.

EDIT: oh, and you need to add } after your function (too close the class).