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in Plugins by
I need to focus on less projects. This is why I want to get rid of maintaining some small projects. They cost time and I do not want to do updates etc. My idea is to provide all pages of the q2a installations as static HTML. Keeping the content, but not the q2a software and the database.

The Modx Evolution had such an option, as I remember.

What would be the best approach to take a Q2A site to static HTML posts?
Q2A version: 1.7.4

1 Answer

0 votes
It may not be possible easily but if you use v1.8 then enable cache which will help to reduce db access for frequently accessed content.
As I said, I want to get rid of maintenance, which means for me: No DB, no PHP files.
You mentioned MODX, so you mean to export your site to HTML, thereby closing out all Q2A-specific functionality? It will just be all the questions and answers and comments in a rendered static HTML?
Exactly. Static HTML only. // Side info: I maintain 4 tiny projects, they cost me about 20 hours per month. I receive ads revenue of about 5 USD. I need to "static-achieve" them because my 20 hours have a higher value than 5 USD.
I think this is the way to go: https://stackoverflow.com/q/3775281/1066234
Yea, that might work. If your site is smalllllish. Or you modify the script to crawl the entire site. Or you just click every post/question on the q2a site, so that html can be saved.
Since this is not webdev-specific, I'd  use https://www.httrack.com/
It has served me too many times.