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+12 votes
in Plugins by
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Dear friends,

I designed a new basic plugin for my website. I want to share it with you. You can use it in your q2a website as side widget.

  • Plugin Name: FB inviter
  • What it does? It connects to your facebook and sends invitation to  facebook friends.asking to join to your q2a website. It allows multi-selection from your facebook friend list.
  • Admin Options: Widget block content texts are fully customizable at admin/plugin options.
  • Tested on 1.7.4
  • Requirements: You need to create an app at www.developer.facebook.com, catergory of that app should be "Games",

DOWNLOAD: http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=29169381138850842933

GITHUB: https://github.com/ihlassovbetov/q2a-fbinviter

Q2A version: 1.7.4 fairly modified and customized
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nice , but not working notification on facebook ..  i create fb app for games but everytime i have error ... update this.
Nice plugin Thankyou.

5 Answers

0 votes
Not downloading
what error you are receiving ? I checked right now, download is working.
The downloading site has a popup
alternative link: https://files.fm/u/hcrss555
+5 votes
Thanks for the plugin, it will be helpful. It will be better if you upload code on Github.
plugin not working, after i configure the plugin and when i invite someone friend from facebook to website this is not redirected to website is redirected to GAME ROOM facebook page on a error page, how can fix this and will be redirected directly to website?
@zerg, this happens after facebook update on policies. Basically, they restricted apprequest, so they wont allow invite external website requests in facebook.  I updated the plugin in github, re-download I re-try it. Now, I use send dialog method rather apprequest method. New method directly sends message to users instead of notification.
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thanks for update, can you create a new plugin for language changer by visitors? based by ip(anonymous)  and registred users can change  website language interface ?
+1 vote
Nice plugin. How to give it a professional look by using css codes? For example adding background colour, borders,etc.
0 votes
Works great, thanks!!
+1 vote

I downloaded this plugin and I like it. I am looking some modifications in this plugin, would you be able to make it happen.

I want to give some incentive to my users who invites others. For example, user A is a registered user on my site. He invites his 10 friends, 5 of them register with his invitation / reference.

Now, when I will draw some prize, this user A will have 6 entries for his name in the draw box and rest 5 users will have one each. so, total 11 entries in the draw box. It means, user A will have more chances to draw.

Users can invite on Facebook, whatsApp and other social media etc.

Let me know if it is possible and how much it would cost?


Rana Khan
i have pm-ed you. check your inbox