The right answer is for community members other than Gideon to answer more questions.
Gideon has a unique position in the Q2A project: he's the architect and writes 99% or more of the software. (I'm proud to have written a small bit that is available as a plugin.)
There are many ways to contribute to an open software project. One of the most important is to provide additional project documentation and support to others.
If figuring out the answer to someone else's question would take you awhile, so what? Along the way, you will learn alot about software in general and the Q2A software in particular.
If you have a question about what a piece of software in Q2A is doing then ask the people on StackOverflow to help you understand it.
It will always be the case that Gideon will know the answer to questions faster than anyone else. It is NEVER the case that Gideon should be answering all (or even most) of the questions about the software.
So my challenge to you, dear reader, is to step up and answer some questions. The source is available and all of the answers about the current version are there. You just need to look.....