Hi, I am trying to install bugsnag (bugsnag.com), a bug notification library on our Q2A site. The site is integrated with Wordpress, but from the looks of it the bugsnag library needs to be installed with the Q2A site (instead of via the Wordpress admin console which does not give the option). Where's the best place to install the library and put the bugsnag code:
require_once "/path/to/Bugsnag/Autoload.php";
3. Configure Bugsnag with your API key
$bugsnag = new Bugsnag_Client("xxxxxxxx");
This code includes your unique Bugsnag API key, and should be copied directly into your code.
4. Enable automatic error and exception notification by attaching Bugsnag's error and exception handlers
set_error_handler(array($bugsnag, "errorHandler"));
set_exception_handler(array($bugsnag, "exceptionHandler"));