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+1 vote
in Q2A Core by
How to make the researches within q2a more flexible ?

For exemple if you look for some key-word, you will not have the results which contain the same word but in a plural form or whatever declined form !

So is there a possibility to implement a joker like a '?' o a '*' to help users to get more results ?

Thanks in advance

1 Answer

+1 vote

Is there a joker caracter to search in q2a sites?

No, there isn't. By the way, in English, it is called a wildcard character instead of joker character. That seems Spanglish to me :)

How to make the researches within q2a more flexible ?

You can implement a search module. Depending on how you are planning to implement the backend of the search, you might need only to implement the process_search function or maybe all of them.

So is there a possibility to implement a joker like a '?' o a '*' to help users to get more results?

As I said before, there is, and you don't need a core developer to do this. But bear in mind there is a tradeoff between performance and the implementation of the feature if you're thinking about the simple/naive approach of implementing this feature in plain SQL. A better approach would involve text indexes, make it the MySQL one or another solution that could implement those indexes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucene).

Thanks a lot ! I'll look at what you suggest with our informatic team (I've no idea about implementing nothing nor write other code than a little basic html or css). I just wanted to save their time doing some research before boring them with such questions :-)
And actually it was more franglish as spanglish, but I do use both ;-)
You won't get this done in HTML or CSS. You'll need server side (backend) developers. Just make sure they write a plugin and not modify the core files... that only leads to upgrade issues!
I'm confident our informatic team will do the work in the right way. I just wanted to understrike that I (personally) have no idea about how this will be done. So I can't give you more feedback about how we will do it. But I'm aware that it's not just about html or css. This was only minded as an illustration of my poor own level.