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in Q2A Core by
hi we can i make that the full Q2A is no robots (no google scann it and no other) ?

1 Answer

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If I understand correctly you wish to block all search engine bots from your site? If you Q2A site is in the root (e.g. example.com/) then put the following in a file robots.txt at example.com/robots.txt

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

If your Q2A site is in a subfolder (e.g. example.com/qaname/) then you would need to put /qaname/ next to disallow, instead of /
yes, my site is only for customers .. dont like see the questions in google or other ..
can i check to a code .. that run robot text correct ?
huh i dont understand this ...?  my url is  www.xxxx.de/support

and the robot text ..?
User-agent: *
Disallow: /support/

in the subfolder ? or in the root ?
Yes that robots text is correct. The file always goes in the root, i.e.