It's a great idea, and definitely a candidate for a future version. in the meantime you can implement this yourself with a couple of small code changes..
First, insert the following code in qa-page-question.php
if ($question['editbutton'])
'tags' => ' NAME="dobumpq" ',
'label' => 'bump',
'popup' => 'Make this question appear recent',
Depending on where you want it in the button order, put this code between other similar blocks, after the section entitled // Buttons for operating on the question In the file.
Second, insert the following code in qa-page-question-post.php
elseif (qa_clicked('dobumpq')) {
'UPDATE ^posts SET updated=NOW(), lastuserid=$, lastip=INET_ATON($) WHERE postid=#',
$qa_login_userid, @$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $questionid
qa_redirect($qa_request); }
Insert it immediately before this line in the file:
elseif (qa_clicked('dosaveq') && qa_page_q_permit_edit($question, 'permit_edit_q')) {
That should do the trick - hope this is helpful to you and others.