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+4 votes
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I am currently using notepad++ for editing php codes however it deos not offer debugging (placing stop points the code, watchig varible values etc) therefore I have to constantly place print_r/echo here and there to see what is going on.

Then I installed Eclipse from http://www.eclipse.org/pdt/

for which integration of xDebug was kinda pain so far, but apparently a decent choice based on stackoverflow suggestions.

I wonder what would you recomment?
Q2A version: qa 1.63 dev

4 Answers

+3 votes
I love Sublime Text .

It costs a bit for the full version , but it worths it .


You can give a try to its trial version here . http://www.sublimetext.com/3
thank you amiya
welcome :)                         .
do you have to integrate xdebug or zend? which one did you use with it?
For debugging SublimeText is not that good . If you need debugging you can choose Eclipse , Netbeans or PHPStorm
0 votes

I like PhpStorm by JetBrains, but it costs 99$. It is really monster for development :)

do you have to integrate xdebug or zend? which one did you use with it?
No. PhpStorm has free 30-day trial. You can install and determine if it fits you.
+2 votes
I have tried all the major IDEs (phpStorm, NetBeans, PHP Designer, and text editors like Brackets, Notepad++ and Sublime Text).

The best was phpStorm by far, I really liked the VCS and FTP integration and search is really good. Not buggy at all.

I hated NetBeans. I wanted to disable Git, so I could use a seperate Git software I had, but there were problems. Also harder getting a dark IDE which was easy on the eyes and easy to read.

Brackets crashed a few times on Windows 8 and indentation was buggy.

If you want to directly edit your site files through FTP, use either phpStorm or Codeanywhere.com (free online IDE, really good.).
cool! will they offer debugging* too?

*: placing stop points the code, watchig varible values etc
codeanywhere.com? No, I don't think so - it's just an online text editor with PHP syntax highlighting.
0 votes

Eclipse is the best.

