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in Q2A Core by

Hi, i would like to create 3 new simple pages.

The first is a home page for non registered users or not logged in users that contains only the Facebook registration button and 2 more links "Sign up with your email" and "Login with your email".

1. When a user clicks on Facebook button then will open the facebook app for login/register with facebook.

2. When a user clicks on link "Sign up with your email" then i want to load a blank full page with only the q2a registration form displayed and nothing else.

3. when a user clicks on "Login with your email" then i want to load the login page, again blank with only the q2a login form displayed and nothing else.

How can i create those pages?

The most important thing i guess is to have my custom home page for non registered/logged in user then it will be easy to link to login form or registration form.

i think that i have to insert code like below inside the file qa-include/qa-index.php

if (qa_is_logged_in())  go to normal page

else go to custom page

But really as i am now starting my first steps in php i dont know where to start from.

Your help is always valuable!



Q2A version: 1.6.x

1 Answer

+1 vote
Well i found an easier way to create what i need. I display a new layer when users are non-registered or logged out and inside this layer i am calling the sign up and the login links.

It is very simple but the results are perfect ;)

Maybe this is helpful  if anyone want to do the same. :)