The quick and dirty way (tainting the core):
Open qa-theme-base.php
Look for this function:
function head_title()
$pagetitle = strlen($this->request) ? strip_tags(@$this->content['title']) : '';
$headtitle = (strlen($pagetitle) ? ($pagetitle . ' - ') : '') . $this->content['site_title'];
$this->output('<title>' . $headtitle . '</title>');
Change the dash in there
The harder and cleaner way (not tainting the core, just a theme, but will depend on each theme):
Open the qa-theme.php file for your current theme
Look for a function with the same name
If it exists
Make sure you ouput in there the title without the dash (code will depend on each theme)
If it does not exist
Add it. Copy the same function from qa-theme-base.php
Paste it in the qa-theme.php file
Change the dash