On Stack Exchange, one has the option of marking their own posts (or others' posts for moderators) as "Community Wiki". The purpose of this is two-fold:
To reduce the reputation barrier for editing posts, and
To not obtain reputation from votes on that particular post
This means that even though you have posted it, it "belongs to the community". This is used for opinion-based/subjective questions/answers, and reposts of others' posts.
Is there any Q2A plug-in for this? On Stack Exchange, one has the option of marking their own posts (or others' posts for moderators) as "Community Wiki". The purpose of this is two-fold:
To reduce the reputation barrier for editing posts, and
To not obtain reputation from votes on that particular post
This means that even though you have posted it, it "belongs to the community". This is used for opinion-based/subjective questions/answers, and reposts of others' posts.
Is there any Q2A plug-in for this?