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in Q2A Core by

The first : A "Thank you" button, very important from the perspective of keeping Q2a pages clean of "Thank you !! " " Thousand thaks ...." ( wich means less comments, clean UX)

In admin panel, admin would choose how many points the author receives when "thank you is hitted".


the seconde : is to add the the first tag to the page title , a question example of " How to add two JS functions to the same button" tagged "  #javascript, #JS, ....will have the title : Javascript-How to add two JS functions to the same buttons"


And thank you !


Q2A version: latest
Isn't upvote is the way to say thank you or to express any other positive feedback ? I think you should include that in your site rules if you receive a lot of thank you comments.
i think that  Upvoting and thank you buttons are separate  i may "thank you" but disagree with your answer at the same time. add to this that Upvoting does not fit "the natural human behavior" generally i tend to right thank you ( more human) in addition to upvoting. this wouldn't do no harm to upvoting system because people will do both.

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