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+2 votes
in Plugins by
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Here is an alternative to Noah social sharing if you have problem with "Facebook button" like me,

1) Go to www.share42.com.

2) Choose the social icons you want to put on your website 

3) follow the steps and download the share42 folder ( contains JS file + social icons images)

4) put that folder on your website in  Questio2answer/qa-content

5)Download this plugin : Social share plugin

6) Put the plugin in Question2answer/qa-plugin folder

7) Go to admin-->layout and activite it. 

You should have social share icons on question page on side panel

hope it Helps :)

What's the problem with the facebook button?
Noahy your Plugin is perfect and Awsome but instead of facebook share you have used facebook like button
The plugin is great but there is a small problem with facebook button. it dones't show up ( maybe facebook chaged their code, by the way it's a current problem on stackoverflow)
Thanks Ербол !!

1 Answer

0 votes
no plugin under download link...
I have updated the link :)