Always wondered why we show custom user profile fields (like location, about me, etc.) if there is no value.
To hide these empty fields, you have to:
1. open qa-page-user.php
2. find line:
3. add a new line before: if($valuehtml!='' || qa_get_state()=='edit') {
4. add a new line at the end of the $qa_content block: } // closing if
FULL CODE BLOCK looks like this:
if($valuehtml!='' || qa_get_state()=='edit') {
'type' => $fieldsediting ? 'text' : 'static',
'label' => qa_html($label),
'tags' => 'NAME="field_'.$userfield['fieldid'].'"',
'value' => $valuehtml,
'error' => qa_html(@$errors[$userfield['fieldid']]),
'rows' => ($userfield['flags'] & QA_FIELD_FLAGS_MULTI_LINE) ? 8 : null,